They will never find the Higgs-Boson, it doesn’t exist. It cannot exist by definition. If it is the God particle that gives matter it’s mass, it cannot be made out of smaller particles. If it does, how can it be the god particle. It cannot exist because if it did E=MC2 would be wrong. If the Higgs-Boson exist it must be made of itself by definition. It cannot have smaller particles it can break into. Thus if two Higgs-Bosons collided they would not be able to absorb the kinetic energy. They don’t have the parts that can absorb and convert, or absorb and release, or break into smaller particles. So where will all the kinetic energy go? It would disappear. And if it did the universe would disappear as well. Kinetic energy is still energy. If it goes, so does matter.
I suspect that at least some of the scientists understand it. But as in the global warming fraud,they lie because lying means budgets. Without the big lie, they would have never been able to convince the politicians to provide the money for the large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
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