The US is not about to walk away from Israel for a variety of reasons. First, the US understands that both China and Russia would love to be the once enjoying the technological advancements Israel brings to the table. How much better would the Chinese weapons be down the line, if Israel started cooperating with the Chinese? Same for the Russians. How much advanced technology would the US military be missing on? Israel is an ally in ways that no other country is. It is a technological marvel. It is a gift that keeps on giving. US weapons today are far more advanced than they would have been without the Israeli contributions. Second, Israel has a support base in both major parties. On the democratic side you have the Jews. Very loyal democratic voters. They are small in numbers, but a significant number of them live in concentrated communities in a small number of states. So their vote is greater than their numbers in the general population. Where they live, they are a significant number of the voters. That power is not going away soon. An example of it can be seen in NYC in 2011. The democrat lost a very safe seat. A seat that was held by a democrat since 1924. And it is a %40 Jewish district with a Jew running on the democratic side. Yet the Non Jew republican won by a %54 to %46 margin. Not even a close race. Sure a lot of it was the economy. Some was the fact that the democrat running voted for same-sex marriage in the state legislator. But many were voicing they displeasure with the way Obama treats Israel. Third, on the Republican side Israel has the most support. Even though Jews vote mostly for democrats, another religion is most responsible for that. The evangelical Christians believe that the Jews are the superior people, and the Messiah will not come until Israel is controlled by the Jews. Including Jerusalem. They are the largest and most devoted group of supporters Israel has.
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