Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We must have a point system.

I think I figured it out. We must have a point system. points for beauty, smarts, and every other quality. We will then make all the people with above average point total work an extra hour a day for every point above average. And we will give the product of that extra hours worked to every person that scores bellow average on our scale. But we still have a problem. We didn’t take care of the people deciding the rules of the point system and scoring it. They also eat. I know. The above average people will work an additional 30 minutes a day per decision maker. But that creates a problem. It is not enough. Because it takes many people to decide on the scoring system and do the scoring of every individual. And every year there are more of them scoring more rules. So the thirty minutes wi…ll be an hour after some time. Now we don’t have enough to give to the bellow average people. I know we must change it so the above average will work an extra two and a half hours for every above average point. Still what about the people that must deliver the goods to the below average people. I know an extra 2 hours will do. And those that must investigate and judge the potential and real cheaters? OK lets add 30 minutes a day. Sorry but I forgot. We must take care of the people that execute the judgements and the locations where such judgements are executed. Lets give them another 45 minutes. I think I solve all our problems. Do problem solvers like me get points for it? if so I take everything I said back

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