Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Equality exists only at the lowest common denominator.

Equality exists only at the lowest common denominator. It is another word that sounds great but means little. Who decides what is equal. Are the deciders equal or are they Superior and that is why they are the deciders. Who decide that they are superior and thus qualified to decide what is equal. Will they have to lower themselves to also be equal or do we keep them superior to make sure that we are all equal. How will we equalize the ugly, the short, the fat, and the stupid? Will we have short fat ugly stupid people as the news anchorwoman/men on TV? How about the head of the military? We must give the cowards equality to. I say for every brave commander we must have a Coward come after. Must be equal. I know, we should have an uneducated stupid woman as the top general. afterall she needs to support her family as well. She is also equal. I say it would never be fair until we have a short stupid fat ugly cowardly woman as Head General. Hoary to equality

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